Jersey Small Arms Gunsmithing - John Torelli
Established 1982
501 Ireland Ave. Millville NJ 08332
856-825-5766  -   -

(This page updated, November 6, 2024)

"...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Tips Page Basic Shop Pricing Events Page The Back Page

Cumberland Riflemen Gun Cleaning Seminar 

(Please Note:  I am not a stocking retailer.  I do gunsmithing only)
(Hours 8AM - 8PM    Closed 11AM - 12:30PM)

For customers doing Internet purchases right click image below and
select save for my current FFL. All other FFL's are obsolete.

  What's showing on the "Back Page" 
Detailed page links for each gun !
.... Grendel P-10 .... Raven P-25/MP-25 .... H&A "Ranger" No.2 .... S&W M39  ....  S&W"Escort" ....
Glock 23 .... Glisenti 1889 .... H&K USP45 .... KelTek Sub2000 .... Volunteer Enterprises Mark45 ....
Bushmaster XM15 .... ParaOrdnance P14 Kit Gun
.... Magnum Research Lone Eagle
SCCY CPX2 .... Altor Pistol 9mm .... Standard Mfg Switch Gun

Face Mask Facts You Need To Be Aware Of

Trained by the Modern School of Gunsmithing formerly
located in Scottsdale Arizona, I offer over 38 years of experience
dealing in the
shooting disciplines common to the North East. 
Located in Southern NJ where shotguns are required for
White Tail deer and small
game hunting, I'm well acquainted with
 most of your
scattergun problems.  Out of the fields the handgun
 is widely used here for home defense,  informal target shooting
and NRA sanctioned competition.   As a competitive bullseye
shooter,  I have
experience in a wide variety of revolvers and
semi-auto pistols.   Military weapons and obscure and unusual
guns of the past
have always been one of my favorite pursuits.  
If your doing some firearms research drop me a note, I may already
have the
information you need.    Anyway, my thanks for stopping
 by and remember:

Safety first, last and always.

This site was developed to help gun owners safely use, maintain and
research their firearms.  
The Tips Page provides the most generalized
help information.
  The Events Page is used for items of interest or
occasional announcements.
  The Back Page is a thumb nail format with
links for specific guns to pages containing photographs,
from factory manuals, parts availability  and other information.

This site is kept as current as my work load permits and I do keep up
with my email.
  If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate
to contact me.

"If you own it, it might as well work. You may need it,

even if you only need it once."
                             Protect your guns and your right to keep them.

United States Congress
United States Senate
The Sight 1911 Page            
Women Against Gun Control
NSSF Online
Brownells, Inc.
USA Carry
Brownells, Inc.
Shooting Industry News
The Firearms News
BATF Home Page
Lucky Gunner
USA Carry
NJ Guns
NJ Division of Fish Game
Real Guns
NRA Home Page               
Guns Magazine Online
Gun Owners of America

Tips Page Basic Shop Pricing Events Page The Back Page

President Donald Trump with First Lady Melania Trump



Be Wary of Dealing With the
Company "Texas Gunshop"

It was brought to my attention by a good customer
that the online retailer, Texas Gunshop, aka
Firearms Texas, Buy Gun Online and USA Gun Shop
is likely a scam. The Better Business Bureau has
compiled complaints from 12 states including
New Jersey and has issued a warning.

 BBB Warning

Remington is back!
Short but to the point
info from the CEO.

President Trump's Plan To Protect Our Kids

Updated info on New Jersey carry law
by Stephen Mazzagatti
at the Martell Training Group
Good info for everybody else as well.

President Trumps Parting Address


This is the Trump the Media won't tell you about.


Intellectual Froglegs

An extraordinarily entertaining look at the Trump Presidency.
See why the leftist YouTube elites banned him.
(Warning: All adult content, but no nudity.  Sorry.)


The Inconvenient Truth About the Democrat Party


Mark Robinson at Greensboro City Council Meeting
discussing gun bans and bans on gun shows.
April 5, 2018

Seven Powerful Minutes:

Virginia Lawmaker Offers Impassioned
Defense of Second Amendment
March 2, 2018
Seven Powerful Minutes


Dummies Guide to the 2nd Amendment



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